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No New Posts Traveler's Field - 1 Viewing

Homeless horses flock here in order to be accepted into a herd. The grass is rather worn down from frequented passing and the water isn't top quality though it suits any who happen through to find a home. Dark Leaders lurk in the shadows, waiting for rogues to arrive while the lightest of light stallions come to seek new members to their glorious homes. Be warned, some may be less gentle about inviting you into their herd.

Newcomers can come here to be claimed

6 28 I Just Keep Comin' Back... {serry!}
by x.Serenade
Jul 26, 2010 9:54:33 GMT -5
No New Posts The Orphanage

Whether you might be a runaway colt, an abandoned filly, or a lonely wanna-be parent, you're welcomed into this meadow. Filled with fluffy dandelions and many places for young foals to feel welcome when away from a parent. Foals of all sorts come to meet equine who might be potential parents seeking the perfect addition to their homely family.

Foals can be adopted by both mares and stallions

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No New Posts Red Wood Meadow

Red Wood Meadow is a beautiful meadow of green perfect grass and small white flowers surrounded by Red Wood trees that tower high above all living things that survive on the grounds below. Most of the field grasses are edible, with exception to the sparse clumps Johnson Grass which is toxic to horses.

Claiming is prohibited here

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No New Posts River Stone Cove

This is a beautiful place to chat for either darks, lights, or neutrals alike. The water flowing from the river into the ocean gurgling over the riverbed colored in bright stones and shimmering pebbles creates a lovely sound bringing about calm and peace that only a cool atmosphere could ever provide. The spring-fed river is clear and fresh rushing from the high mountains passing through several places that rid the water or any potential impurities.

Claiming is prohibited here

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No New Posts Sky Lark Grove

Of luscious green landscape and tall shady trees there is but one thing that bears in mind here, the Sky Larks are the true kings of this land. Trees and tall grasses shelter the tiny birds that share their home with a vast number of wild horses that pass through here. Water is found in the form of a small river that runs through here to Sovereign's land, though the borders are well met here...dark horses do prefer to stay clear of here.

This is a Light area

1 6 Picking up the Pieces of my Shattered Life {Serry}
by x.Serenade
Apr 4, 2010 20:03:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Sovereign's Land

Where Skylark grove meets the beauty and tranquility seems to end. Trees wilted due to a fire from lightning strike to the oldest and tallest tree in all of the lands it seems nature has given in to the fact that life might not be beautiful here. The grass is but of sharp yellow blades and the water muddy and not quite as clear as the river that leads to it, but the water here ends in a large lake that leads to the large tree. This tree, the Sovereign tree, was once a great redwood and home to many lively creatures now lays wretched yet shelter to any number of horses who find their way here. Darks prefer to wander these lands, but it isn't unusual to see lights pass through on occasion.

This is mainly a dark's land, lights beware

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No New Posts The Gathering

Farther out than the Sovereign's land lies the Gathering. The skys are a blackish green, from the way the light hits it, therefore what is in it isnt that alive. Most of the plants are dead except those trees that manage to live, the lands are marshy in some area's but there is a clear lake that is clean and the safest to drink, there lies the greenest grass, the light does manage to hit it there.

Be warned this is mostly Goblin lands.

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The Social Lands

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Phantom info needed
Mirri 12 840 by Revelations
Sept 16, 2010 22:37:34 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling EVERYONE PLEASE READ
Demmy 4 621 by {Nevvy}
Apr 8, 2010 7:49:05 GMT -5


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The Social Lands
Even rivals need to chat once in awhile...

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