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A large field sparsely vegetated is not known for its grazing…here those who seek a star crossed love affair come to carry it out. There are a few hills that make it easy for secretive interloping for that moment in time where one desires the touch of another, but it also leaves room for force breeding to any mare foolish enough to wander so carelessly there…

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Morrow Copse

Where all those who seek a refuge to birth their foals come here. Brood mares belonging to an alliance or not seek solitude or calm tranquility alongside their foal’s sire to give new life away from the chaos of Reia. Horses foaling bastard children or foals of another alliance come here, for there are restricted from birthing within the confines of their own allegiance. Here, there are trees, brush, and plenty of sharp dunes that allow for well hidden landscapes for this delicate time in life.

1 1 The Form(Modified 12/30/07)
by Mirri
Dec 9, 2007 10:50:48 GMT -5
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Cleric Forest

Wildly entertaining in the fact that though it is a forest there is more here to fear than most would think. Humans rarely trek these lands but several wild hunters that seek out a new target for their intentions can come to find easy meals. The trees are thick and densely distributed, thus it makes it hard for any experienced equine to maneuver and one place that the faint hearted try to avoid.

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Perhaps the most widespread of all the terra, there are the most remnants of human activity here and a well known place for equine to vanish from the lands. Fences scatter the area and break up the tranquil environment, as do the various spots where fresh fruits are grown to attract animals to ensnare. Most try to be wary of this environment…one false move and one might get caught up in one of the thousands of ankle snares that are littering the landscape. Humans wander here too often, thus it is an area where few prefer to venture.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Phantom info needed
Mirri 12 840 by Revelations
Sept 16, 2010 22:37:34 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling EVERYONE PLEASE READ
Demmy 4 621 by {Nevvy}
Apr 8, 2010 7:49:05 GMT -5


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